Sunday 8 September 2019

Tristan Jotunulf (643 - 670 MR)

Human Paladin

I judge people by their actions, not their title. I'm confident in my own abilities and do what I can to instill confidence in others. Despite my noble birth, I do not place myself above other folk. We all have the same blood. I can find common ground between the fiercest enemies, empathizing with them and always working toward peace. I'm always polite and respectful.

Ideals. Respect. Respect is due to me because of my position, but all people regardless of station deserve to be treated with dignity. Fairness. No one should get preferential treatment before the law, and no one is above the law.

Bonds. I protect those who cannot protect themselves. The common folk must see me as a hero of the people. Those who fight beside me are those worth dying for. 

Flaws. I judge others harshly, and myself even more severely. I too often hear veiled insults and threats in every word addressed to me, and I'm quick to anger. I have an insatiable desire for carnal pleasures.

Parents: Rowena Jotunulf (618 MR) & Trevan of Measford (610 MR), Queen and King of Jentilak

Siblings: Tabea (645 MR)

Death (session 7): Burned by an explosion in the College of Astrology.

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