Saturday 7 September 2019

Malik el-Arrasi (616 MR)

Prince of Ariya, Killer of the White Witch

Malik is related to the Lord-Prince from his mother's side. His father was an Anuirean hero, dead before he could remember. Malik has spent many years away from Ariya, in the Rjurik Highlands, where he has helped High-King Sigurd forge his own Empire. 

In those years, he met the mercenary captain Machteld. From their union, Tuarim was born. Machteld lost her life in the final battle against the White Witch. Not long after, Malik returned home to take care of his son.

The blood of Basaia has blessed him with long life, making him look still in his early twenties.

(For additional info, see HERE)

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