Sunday 13 October 2019

Session 2

PCs (1st-level): Bernard, Estel, Tristan, Tuarim, Vladimir

The PCs begin investigating the docks, taking advantage of Tuarim's contacts with the Navy; They pinpoint the arrival of a few anuirean ships during the last week, but at the same time they fear some entries in the logbook may have been forged.

When they leave the Harbour Master's office, they encounter a small crowd gathered around a fisherman. The man claims to have found a "talking fish". From the crowd, a young porter named Walid steals the fish, and throws him into a well to "free her". Seems like the porter was somehow enchanted by the fish!

When they talk to the fisherman about it, they find out that the talking fish may have more information about a sinister ship that arrived in Aryia a couple of days back. Bernard and Vladimir decide to go after the fish, while the others go to the Tower of Morning, seeking to talk with the Grand Vizier Samira, mother of Jaheira. 

At the Tower of Morning they find a cold welcome, with Jaheira informing them that she will bring their request to her mother, who is unavailable at the moment. Having made sure Jaheira is safe, they return to the well.

In the meanwhile, Bernard and Vladimir have descended into the well, eventually ending up in the underground levels of an abandoned bath-house. After some exploring they discover that the bath-house is not completely abandoned; an old crone has taken residence in the compound. The party reunites before confronting the woman.

When they address her, they realize she only respond to questions that are spoken backwards! The PCs manage to find a way to communicate, and also notice that, among the many items she keeps on display on the shelves of the room, is also a multi-colored fish... the talking fish!

The PCs try to bargain with the woman to obtain the fish, and she agrees on delivering it if they will perform two tasks for her. She asks Tristan to was her feet, and Estel to sweep her room with an old broom. The two young nobles are not shy about it, and perform the task admirably. When Vladimir also demonstrates a powerful willpower by resisting one of the crone's spells, not only does the crone deliver the fish to them, but also makes them a gift: a magical ring!

The party leaves the compound with the fish, who is in fact a pahari, a siren-like creature capable of turning into a fish. The pahari shares the information she has with the PCs: she remembers a ship called the Sea Harpy approaching Aryia. She felt a cold dread emanating from the ship, as if those on board had evil, murderous intentions. She remembers a few of them wearing metal masks, a disguise often used by the men of the Brotherhood of Khet.  Having been pointed in the right direction, the PCs release the grateful pahari into the sea.

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